Port Phillip Specialist School has adopted a School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) approach and has established a continuum of support that considers all students, promotes positive behaviour and emphasises prevention. Our proactive approach focuses on teaching all students agreed expected behaviours and pro social skills rather than just reacting to inappropriate behaviour.
The school community identified four simple expected behaviours:
We have defined in behavioural terms how students can demonstrate these behaviours and developed routines, visual supports and physical arrangements that enable students to be successful.
In addition a small number of students will require highly individualised and intensive interventions. These interventions are (a) function based, (b) person centered, (c) utilise strengths and teach the students skills, (d) continuously evaluated and enhanced, and (e) linked to the school wide PBS approach.
Learning to make friends and get along with other people is such an important lifelong skill. This is actively taught throughout the school.