The Port Phillip Specialist School Foundation was established in April, 2000. The Foundation was established as a charitable institution to raise funds to provide educational facilities and benefits to the students of Port Phillip Specialist School.
The Foundation has raised funds and has helped to procure the donation of services, goods, and materials which have been used in progressing the integrated services approach, the provision of medical, dental, and occupational therapy materials and facilities for students. In addition, the Foundation has been involved in the construction of the Visual and Performing Arts Centre that has enabled us to fully implement our innovative Visual and Performing Arts Curriculum.
If you would like to make a donation via internet banking please use these details:
Account: Port Phillip Specialist School Foundation Inc.
BSB: 083-368
Account Number: 484780751
Description: Donation Full name
The Foundation has tax deductible status as a recognised charity and accordingly, all contributions of funds, services, goods, and materials are recognised as tax deductible.
Please contact the Principal on 9646 0855.