The School Council is the governing body of the school. School Council is bound by State Government regulations.
Our School Council is made up of 13 members of the community. The composition of our Council is as follows:
- 4 x DEECD Representatives – employees of the DEECD
- 7 x Parent representatives
- 2 x Co-opted members
Elections to the School Council are held in conjunction with our Annual General Meeting in March of each year.
To become an elected School Council Member you must be either a parent of a student at the school or someone employed by Department of Education & Early Childhood Development (DEECD), or employed at the school. There are also co-opted members from the general community who add value to the work of the Council. The Principal is the Executive Officer of Council.
The parents of the students at the school elect the parent representatives of School Council; the school staff elect two staff representatives. Elected members of Council hold office for a period of two years. School Council meetings are held on the second Monday of each month, as published in the forward planner.
If you are interested in becoming a School Council Member, please speak with the Principal by mid-February so that you have an opportunity to learn more about the Council and ensure that your name can be added to the ballot.
Annual Report
The purpose of the annual report to the school community is to inform parents and the wider school community of the school’s successes, activities and achievements throughout the year, and to meet legislative and regulatory requirements under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 and the National Education Agreement 2008.
Schools are required to submit a school annual report to the Department by 31 March each year.
Annual reports are made available to the school community at a public meeting organised by the school principal, and on the VRQA State Register.
Please see Annual Report Attached
Annual Implementation Plan
The annual implementation plan describes how the key improvement strategies in the school strategic plan, and other significant projects, will be put into operation during the year and how they will be monitored. It assists schools to:
- plan and communicate their work for the coming year and how this will lead to achieving their identified goals and targets
- ensure efficient and effective allocation of resources to complete the work
- monitor progress and success.
Schools should continue to work with their existing School Strategic Plan and develop an Annual Implementation Plan for the 2014 school year. The Annual Implementation Plan is a school-based planning document and is not required to be submitted to regional offices.
The school’s annual implementation plan informs the development of principal class and staff performance and development plans.
See Annual Implementation Plan Attached here.